Le Mon, Jan 28, 2002, à 03:04:55PM +0900, Akira TAGOH a écrit:
> Hi,
> Current properties dialog UI isn't shown all of fonts when
> the screen size is narrow. basically this problem is caused
> due to GtkMenu which isn't supporting a thing like
> scrolling, but we can avoid this problem by changing UI. so
> it's like GtkFontSel for example.
> How do you think about this?
Until now, there was a fixed list of available fonts. Lars is the expert on
why. Last word I remember is "we'll enable the user to pick any font when we
have the FreeType code in". OTOH, if I'm mistaken, GtkFontSel would be nice
(perhaps with a warning dialog the first time the user selects a font which
is outside the "known working" list, if that is still relevant)
-- Cyrille