song sourisak <song@localhost.localdomain> writes:
Well this gives the impression that you'll never read this
reply... Hopefully you're subscribed.
> ./configure
> make <-- error seems missing argu...
Was it "bash: make: command not found"? If so you will have to install
`make'. Depending on your distrubution this is done in different ways.
Debian: apt-get install make
RedHat, Suse, Mandrake,...: browse the CD for a `make' RPM and install
it with `rpm -i $FILENAME'.
I don't have any out-of-the-head information about other distributions.
Hope this helps,
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Key fingerprint: 201D 12D1 F629 1E9B 0BB0 EAF5 3009 AF60 A5F1 5976