At 21:48 19.02.02 +0100, Matthieu Sozeau wrote:
>You can currently export to PNG or PostScript (PS). Support for other file
>types in M$ Word is only for M$ File Types (Excel...). But if you want
>your Diagrams to be exported into MS Word, well just ask them!
You are obviously talking about M$ Word for Linux, aren't you ?
To make the list from my previous mail on this subject longer:
WMF, WPG, HPGL (PLT), EPS (PS), PNG, CGM, DXF are supported to be
imported AFAIK (some of them need explicit activation during the
setup of Word though) ...
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert