Cc: Dave Hoover <spamless4 iasun2 epfl ch>,mtt-developers <mtt-developers sourceforge net>
Subject: Re: Flexible, modular dia line decoration code
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 12:48:21 +0100
Here's some follow up info, and an EPS file showing more complete arrow
results. The arrow generating engine is pretty complete and quite
general, and it appears stable. The GUI (using properties), is hardly
modular for the time being, but the arrow engine code is written to
permit this easily. I've attached the code to Bug ID 98593 if somebody
wants to try it out.
The GUI just calls functions to create a few home-made arrows, allowing
the user to specify only one (symmetry) of the many arrow options.
The GUI does NOT allow one to superimpose several different
user-specified arrow heads, and many arrow specifications can not be
specified with the gui. But this may give you an idea what is possible
with more general code. I agree that the color stuff is a bit kitchy,
but hey, it came along for free.
Lines are drawn with round caps so that intersections of wide lines
won't look bad. The code, however, allows dia standard arrows to be used
as decorations, which should result in modular code that could use
sharp-tipped arrows as components.
Most of the new arrow code is in the bondgraph library for now. There
is a 'MTT Bond' object that uses this arrow code (click on the
causality options, to see). But this object is not very interesting
from a arrow point of view. There is another line object that I used to
draw the attached diagram.
See my previous post for more info about these arrows, and the
ORIENTATION property, and how this works. The principle addition is a
'Repeat' structure which defines a transformation affecting angle,
color, and placement-defining gaps. Given a DecorationProp (which
defines a simple decoration), a Repeat structure can be used iterate on
the DecorationProp, transforming it with each iteration, generating a
GList of DecorationProps. Both the DecorationProp and the Repeat
structure are general enough to allow almost any kind of arrow, and also
to allow any dimension to be a fixed length, a general function of line
width, proportional to visible line length, or some combination of these.
As usual, these files are copyrighted (2002) by David Hoover, and you
can use and copy the stuff according to the GNU General Public License
(GPL) as distributed with dia, and found on