Le Wed, Aug 28, 2002, à 09:16:44AM +0530, kiran.kanchibhotla@siritech.com a écrit:
> I have about 2 Million lines of code base written in VC++ and VB I would
> like to reverse engineer this code. Can some one help me how to do this
> using dia on the windows platform.
I'm not convinced that dia is the best tool for that. Maybe it can play a
role, but in a "manual documentation" second stage.
If the body of VC++ code is large enough (compared to VB), you may be able
to get rough collaboration diagrams generated by doxygen [www.doxygen.org],
if you use the EXTRACT_ALL (sp?) option (to build documentation for every
method even if not documented yet).
I'd then use dia to re-model in a clean and nice-looking way your system,
based on doxygen's output (assuming doxygen's output is not good enough for
your purpose).
-- Cyrille