From: Andre Kloss <kloss rbg informatik tu-darmstadt de>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: UrShape definition Part I
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 18:17:45 +0200 (MET DST)
Hi again.
> Could someone give a brief overview of what the ObjectOps and ObjectType
> stuff do? Is this still used or is it depricated in the StdProps code?
Well, I don't know. I just found it in the source and it looked
reasonable to me. Cyrille? James? Someone?
> > int max_children;
> We don't need a max_children do we? unsigned int child_count; perhaps.
Well, we _may_ need it. What if some UrShape can contain exactly 2
subshapes and no more? Or exactly 1 subshape? And child_count will be
optional, since the child is a pointer to the first child and you can
follow the next_sibling pointers unto the last child, where the
next_sibling will be NULL.
> Also some way to store an arbitrary structure (i.e. Gtk Widgets - This
> is where I wish we were using an OO language). And how are we going to
> handle attributes? Should we use a hash or hard code them in a
> structure?
I like the idea of a hash, since it gives use some ease of extension.
If I want to have a "save-to-some-format"-function in my UrShape, I
can easily add it to the hash (And maybe trigger by name in a dialog?)
What is this Gtk Widget stuff? And where? I can think OO in C, so
that's no prob. ;)
> This is a good start.
Why, thank you.
> Is there any other code that you guys are working on that you just
> havn't shared yet? I think we need to see more progress.
That's why I started so humble. I don't really know where you guys
want to go with this stuff,
> -J5
cu Andre
Tolerance rulez, everything else sux! -- Andre Kloss