From: Andre Kloss <kloss rbg informatik tu-darmstadt de>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: UrShape: Definition by controversy
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 14:00:38 +0200 (MET DST)
Hi again.
On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, John Palmieri wrote:
> The "normal" UrContainer should have just layout behaviors same as the
> Drag n' Drop ones without allowing Drag n' Drop.
So far so good. But how can the user add something to a UrContainer?
Or is it there at the time of Creation of the UrShape?
> Perhaps we should make DnD an attribute instead of a separate type
> of container.
Maybe. But well, if some folks come up with a third idea on how
UrContainers "should" behave, we can tell them to use the Callbacks.
By the way: If someone (for example me) wants to resrtict the DnD to
some UrShape types (i. e. let a case distinction add cases but no
loops), the Callbacks could prove handy. As well as a 'name' string
that identifies a UrShape.
> A note on HORIZANTAL_ARRAY, VERTICAL_ARRAY containers. Perhaps
> these should be VBOX and HBOX to correspond to Gtk+ containers of
> which they take the same behaviors from.
I'll have a look at this GTK+ stuff.
> Arrays should be introduced during the scripting phase.
I'm not quite sure if I know what this means.
> I will look at the code this weekend and comment more. Any luck with
> CVS?
Not at gnome cvs.
> Worse comes to worse we can always start a sourceforge project and
> then send patches to the core team.
Well, that's no prob, since ConStruct (my diploma thesis) is actually
a SourceForge project. How's your sf member name`? Then I can grant
you CVS access.
> Give me a month and I will be able to start contributing code.
Well, better late than never ;)
> I hate not having the T3 connection I had at school.
You have my empathy on this ;)
> What happened to the other guys? The world will never know.
Maybe. If they don't want the glory... ;p
> Hehe.
Funny, isn't it?
cu Andre
Tolerance rulez, everything else sux! -- Andre Kloss