As of May 1, 1997
Kingbloom Design will be operating and doing
business under Bella Mia, Inc. This recent
acquisition is the first step in expanding Bella
Mia's capabilities to include: Graphic
Illustration, Digital Imagery, Web Page Design, and
Print Publication.
A representative for Bella Mia, Inc. declined to
describe Bella's current services. "To speak now
would be not be appropriate, we want to make sure
all our ducks are in a row." According to a
spokesmen for Bella Mia. He went on to say that,
"We are exploring new areas and find Kingbloom's
services to be extremely useful in our expedition
of these areas of technology."
Jeremy Kinsey (Art Director) for Kingbloom
stated his eagerness in working with Bella Mia.
"This is what we have been waiting for. This is our
opportunity to offer a multitude of "in house" and
value added services with a lower price to boot."
Kinsey seemed confident that the merger will take
place smoothly and expediently.
Kingbloom's Kenosha operation will be phased out
by 1998. The Burlington Operation will become
Kingbloom's central headquarters.
The current mailing address of P.O. 1132 Box
Lake Geneva, WI. 53147 will remain the same at this
KingBloom's new headquarters address is: N6015
Lyons Road, Burlington WI. 53105.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding
this release please call: 414-763-5420